Friday, August 29, 2008

First week of Kindergarten

After a rocky start, Otis came home of Friday with a big white smiley face and a "Great Day" comment on his sheet! We celebrated by having chocolate milk at Sonic on the way home. He was so excited and proud of himself and I was too. For those just catching up, I met with his teacher this morning because he came home 2 days in a row with a red face. Both Otis and I were worried about this pattern (and Little O's comments about his behavior). So whatever worked- the meeting, no TV, no Bakagun the long discussions, whatever, we are glad. I think he has figured it out and we are gearing up for a great year!


Stephanie said...

Glad things are working out. Kindergarten is so much fun! I'm glad O likes it. Hope we can get together soon. :)

Shaunery said...


MsT said...

Ms T is me Sally! I finally got a log in and cool he is in knindergarden! That rocks for mom hey!

Staci said...

Glad to hear he's adjusting...Yeah!

Jenn said...

Good job Little O. Enjoy your quiet time.