Friday, July 20, 2007


My dad has suggested that I put Payton in a playpen in the office while I work. I was a little taken aback. Do people do this anymore? It seems mean to me to put him in there and just expect him to sit there for a couple of hours. I told dad I thought he would cry.... Dad answered that after a week or so he wouldn't and then Payton would know who was "boss". Am I crazy that this sounds wrong?!? Is this generational or am I just one of those moms who gives in to her kids? I am not willing to do this. I am willing to stop working if it is too much to have the kids here, but I don't want to "cage" my little one so it is easier.....


Shaunery said...

I think originally a playpen was a designated "safe" place for our babies & toddlers to play. Think about our homes in the 50's, 60's, & 70's..not very baby safe. And the mother was suppose to be super mom, laundry, dishes, mop floors, dust, vacum..when did you do this?? Hubbies never helped like they do now...Our new alternative is the activity saucer..pens, leashes & collars??

Staci said...

I do not think it's a bad thing to put a child in a play pen (aka pack-n-play) to get something done. It would take some adjustment for him because he's never been confined. It's the duration of time that maybe is an issue. 30 minutes to and hour with some of their favorite toys in there should be fine. I certainly don't think you should expect him to play in there for the entire work day.

Stephanie said...

Playpen, shmay-pen. YOu know it wouldn't work. He would find a way to climb out lilke both of mine did. They are fine for short spots of time and for spending the night away from home. But I agree, you can't "cage" them.
Anyway we all know who's the boss's the kids. hehehehe

Jenn said...

I think it's generational coming from your dad in that tone. But I used the pack-n-play with my two for short periods of time like fixing meals, etc. I wanted the kids to be used to it because we used it for them to sleep in when we traveled and there was no crib. If you wanted to try it, maybe alternating between that, a saucer, and something else, would entertain him, let you work for 15 minutes straight (hahaha), and keep dad satisified?? Just a thought. XOXO

Jeanne Lobsinger said...

Amen Sister, you stand your ground. You are fortunate enough to be a stay-at-home Mom, you wouldn't normally put him in a "cage". And since you are doing this as a favor, I say my way or the highway. But that is jmho. By the way, does your Dad read these?

Becky B. said...

In answer to the last question, I was unaware that he did read the blog, but since I have it on the computer in the office now, he does... The "cage" thing will now be a joke that Payton will live with for eternity.... Oh, the caged one is crying, I must go.

Safety1 said...

Shaun had a plastic portable fence somewhere.... She may have sold it or more likely we gave it away, but depending on the space it might work for the caged one... Then again I have used a dog collar and a shock fence. This has had mixed results... Something else to consider...LOL LOL LOL :)