Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hair cuts all around!!

We went today and the boys both got new haircuts. Angie was very patient and entertaining with them. Payton will no longer be mistaken for a "girl". They were both great!

We have been spending our summer running back and forth from school to work, to playdates, running errands and having fun! We have been swimming at one of the splashparks, and today we went to a friends pool for playgroup. It seems like we are running out of summer before we have gotten started! How have we missed June? Oh well, we have July! We are hosting the party on the 4th and are looking forward to having all of our friends here to celebrate with us.

On Sunday, we all went to dad's to celebrate Father's day with him since we were all in the woods on the actual date. We got some great pictures and had a blast. I cherish these times more and more as the years go by. I am so lucky that fate brought me to my family and I'm so glad that my Dad is my Dad. My family was created in an unconventional way, but I feel so lucky to have them all. I include many sisters, moms and dads along the way. You all know who you are. I could not get through life without you.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Officially Happy Campers

We are now a camping family. We spent the weekend at Mineral Wells State Park. Yes it was HOT!! Yes, it was complicated. Yes it was a tad nerve racking..... But so much FUN!!! The boys loved it and we did too. Thank goodness for Aunt Kelli and Uncle Kevin and Sarah Faye. They came along and lended eyes and arms when needed. Uncle Kevin loves to play, and the kids do too, so it all worked out well. We had awsome tents, a great lake, great food and plenty of laughter. This is our dream. We love to camp and hoped that our kids would too. Here are some pictures that they took because of course my camera battery decided to die as soon as we got there. What is wrong with me and the camera lately? Anyway, we decided that 3 days was long enough at Payton's age. He was ready to come home on Sunday. But, we are looking forward to October. We are planning our next trip then.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

First day of Baker's Dozen

Well, our new class has begun and I am curious and a little nervous as I dutifully follow instructions. Not knowing what we are going to use the items for, makes it hard to choose them. I have finished day 1 and here are the pictures of my egg crate and round 1. I will be at convention for the next 2 days, but if Jeanne brings her computer, I will pass the info on, if not, Sunday you will be busy.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Ok, I think I can post some pictures. Kevin's wonderful sister (who is sitting in the front) is a photographer and she took most of them, but she had a helper so she could be in the ones that she needed to be in. If you will note, EVERYONE is in costume..... Payton wasn't in a cooperative mood at the moment, I hope we get some pictures of him somehow. But here they are:

I am Back in Business

I have officially figured out how to import pictures to the computer. Yea me! So now for the updates... I have so many. We have been soooo busy in the last few weeks. Little Otis graduated from pre-K and earned a bible and certificate. We were so proud and so was he. Here is a fuzzy picture. They didn't allow pictures except for certain times and of course Little Otis was looking elsewhere then.

Kelli and Kevin got hitched! O.K., They were officially married at Scarborough Faire. It was beautiful and we were all in costume. I think I can post some pictures that they sent today and I will try. I know everyone is anxious to see, and I had my hands full with two little ones in costume and in 95 degree heat! I gave up trying to snap any.

Payton has officially hit the terrible 2's. I hope it doesn't last all year! He can be a little trying. He throws himself on the floor, screams and cries for no reason that I can figure out. We are learning "time out". It's more for me I think, but whatever.

Here are a couple of pictures of them playing on the new slip-n-slide. We have a new fence and are working on the yard more this year. We built them a mega sand box and they have lots of toys for the yard! Summer fun here we come!